Incorporating vitamins and supplements into our everyday routines can be a great way to support our overall health and wellness. Taking these vitamins and supplements will boost the vitamins we already receive naturally through the foods we consume and the sunlight we get from being outside. It is essential to know what types of vitamins you are incorporating so that you can properly take them, which allows for better absorption in the body. Different types of vitamins are absorbed at varying rates and have additional requirements for effective absorption.
Are You Getting All The Nutrients You Need?
When it comes to our diet, we tend to focus so much of our time and efforts on staying away from certain foods that we end up depriving our bodies of the essential nutrients we should be receiving according to dietary guidelines. Instead of focusing on staying away from fats, sugars, etc., shift your focus to essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy.
World Hepatitis Day
According to, World Hepatitis Day occurs each on July 28 to bring global recognition to hepatitis. The campaign does so by uniting the world under one theme, with the theme this year being ‘Hepatitis Can’t Wait.’ This global day of recognition brings awareness to the disease, the importance of knowing your hepatitis status, prevention, and treatment options. This might be a serious topic of conversation for the day, but it is also a day to celebrate the progress that has been made surrounding the disease over the last few decades.
When Should You Be Taking Your Vitamins?
Do you have a specific time set to take your vitamins during the day or do you take them whenever you remember? Have you ever been curious as to when the best time is to take your vitamins?